It was an ordinary day. Had just visited my old neighborhood near the railroad station to take some photos, only this time I am in State College on a visit with Jerry and Sue. Here's how this goes. Jerry was my friend since 1st grade, since we lived a few blocks from each other. Jerry's hobby, as written about over a year ago in my blog, is model railroading. His father worked at the Railway Express located at the train station and Jerry spent many summer days at the station with his dad. We played football and went sledding at the train station. I travel past the station every time I drive in and out of Lancaster City. So, I know pretty much what the area is like and has been over the last 60 years. Well, Jerry has been diligently redoing our old stomping ground as it was in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Amazing what he has done. It is like going back in time in miniature through his train yard. The row of houses, both front and back where Jerry lived he has reproduced. The alleyway where his garage was located and where he helped me rebuild my '53 Henry J looks like I remembered it. Lancaster Lincoln Mercury on the corner of McGovern Ave. and Manheim Pike where we waited every year for the new cars to be displayed and where they always had a train yard in the window during Christmas season is pretty much the same. The Gulf station at the corner of Liberty and Manheim Pike, where I still take my car occasionally, is almost the same. But what is most amazing is the depth and detail that Jerry was able to get in reproducing the Lancaster Train Station. Right down to the passengers waiting for the trains on the platforms. Jerry always loved the circus and he even made a circus train that declares on the sides of the cars, "Herr Bros. Circus." As I stand there snapping photos of the train yard, it is like going back in time to my childhood. The realism is uncanny! When I came home and downloaded the photos to my computer and saw them on the screen, I could almost pick out myself sitting on the bench at the station or standing in front of the car dealership. Hey, I bought my last car there and still take it there for service and car washes. I've seen many model railroad yards, but none that are as realistic as Jerry's yard. Maybe because I feel like I'm part of it! It's my childhood all over again. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - following photos shows the realism in Jerry's train yard.
Lancaster Lincoln Mercury at the corner of McGovern Ave. and Manheim Pike.

Manheim Ave. where Jerry lived with his mom, dad, and sister. Jerry is entering his house!

Backyards of houses where Jerry lived.

Gulf station where Jerry worked as a teenager.

My grandson Caden and I visiting the station. See how closely the detail of the folloing photos matches this picture.

View of Lancaster Train Station looking west

Passengers waiting for the Eastbound train

East end of the platforms at PRR Station

Herr Bros. Circus Train