It was an ordinary day. My grandson Caden was helping me with my chores. We had to park in the parking garage in downtown Lancaster. That is an adventure in itself for a five year old. Had to park on the top level so we could ride the elevator down to the bottom. Reason we stopped at the parking garage today was so I could deliver some of my Polaroid photos to St. James Church. This is the downtown Lancaster church were Carol and I have been members for years. Got married there and raised our family there. Father Peck, the minister, asked if he could buy a collage of my photos to give to each of the retiring vestry members. The vestry is an elected group of 12 men and women who are in charge of the church. Carol and I were both vestry members years ago. My dad is a life vestry member, having been on the vestry for many years. Caden and I dropped the photographs off at the church office and walked over to look at the church and church yard. At the rear of the church is a cemetery that is home to the graves of many famous and historical people in the history of our country. And, Carol and I will be part of it some day. There are two small memorial gardens in the cemetery where there are plaques erected. The names of the people whose ashes are interred in that area are listed on the plaque. My dad and mom have their names listed on the one in the corner of the cemetery. Dad died three years ago and he has his birth and death dates on it. Mom wanted her name to be next to dad, so we had both names inscribed at the same time. Caden and I stopped at the site and I showed Caden how they engrave the names. The churchyard is not only historical, but extremely beautiful. The sun filtering through the winter trees made warm shadows on the graves. I'm not ready yet, but I have a place reserved. Where will you be in the afterlife? It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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