It was an ordinary day. Couldn't wait to add another group of photos to share with everyone. Now, I realize that what I like and what others like may differ, but hopefully a few of the pixs will make you say, "I gotta go to that place someday." I used to say that until I actually went ..... and have never stopped going. Enjoy!! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
All sunsets are beautiful ..... some more than others!

Carib, the beer of the Caribbean islands.
Something about steel drums that draws my attention .... and the camera.
A colorful moth enjoying a treat at the Butterfly Farm on St. Martin
Restaurant where we are staying provided an interesting shot.
Worker loading baggage into a jumbo jet at the airport.
This old truck, make and model unknown, sits on Old Street in Philipsburg
Sharing the crumbs from our croissants with our neighbors.
Caribbean colors are everywhere as seen is this pix
Love the colors of the water against the yellow kayaks in Orient Bay
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