who remember that since it was back in 1914 when that ad first appeared in magazines. Above the young girl was the phrase, "When It Rains, It Pours." Oh! Now you remember it, right? I actually did! So why am I telling you this today? Well, my story today happens to deal with kids who developed goiters years ago. So, exactly what is a goiter? A goiter is the swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck due to lack of iodine in the diet. People who lived in the Great Lakes region and the Pacific Northwest area of the United States were prone to goiters, since they had too little iodine in the ecosystem and thus developed enlarged thyroids or goiters. So, how do we prevent that from happening? You make sure people have iodine in their system. And, to do that, you can use Morton's iodized salt. Using Morton's iodized salt was said to raise a person's IQ by 15 points!
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An advertisement in an old magazine. Click to enlarge. |
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