The "Another Day Documenting" Story
It was an ordinary day. Carol and I are heading home after spending the day at the "Facilit(ies)ating For Ministry/Church Building Expo". The event and correspondin
g workshops were sponsored by the Parish Resource Center (PRC) where Carol has worked for over 10 years. She is the secretary to the President, Dave L. as well as helps plan, coordinate, and staff all the workshops that the center provides to the
ir members and the general public. What that means is that she has to be at every one and help run them. This is where I come in; being her husband, I am also asked to help at most of the events. My job is usually to help set up the tables, chairs and displays as well as make sure the snacks and drinks are replenished. I also document the events with my camera. Oh yeah, I at times have to make runs to the store when the snacks or lunches start to run low. My job is always as a volunteer. Today's program is a first for the PRC. They are
a non-profit organization and constantly struggle to raise money to help with their mission. Today we were in the auditorium of the Hempfield United Methodist Church on Marietta Ave., a short distance from the PRC. A larger venue was needed to accommodate the 13 businesses that participated today. Over 40 people came to see the displays that were meant to help them plan, design, construct, and finance building a church, adding an addition to a church or modernizing their existing church structure. Program started at 8:30 AM and concluded at 12:30 AM. There were about a half dozen hour long seminars given by the participating businesses for the people in attendance. What did I get from the event? Free donut holes, pastries, cupcakes
and tea. Also, a year's worth of rulers, pens, and candy bars from the many stands that were set up today. Oh yeah, a lot of entertaining and rewarding conversation as well as many ideas about how to build my own church when I'm ready. You did remember that I'm a minister, didn't you!! (See story from 12/20/2010 titled "You can call me Brother". It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - Photos from the tops are: President of the PRC, Dave L., addressing the people in attendance, Fulton Bank display, Funk Construction Services, and Beers and Hoffman Architecture.
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