The "Stylish Do" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just finished shaving. Today, when I do that, I have a lot more to shave than I did 20 years ago. Back then, all I had to shave was my face, because I had hair on my head. After raising 3 kids, I lost most of it, and find I look better with my head shaved than with a comb-over or just some hair on the sides of my head. Besides, I am in style with my head shaved! I started l
osing my hair when our oldest entered high school. More stress on the parents at that time. Every now and then my wife would say, "You know you're losing your hair?" Didn't have to say it. I could look in the mirror or look at the photos that were taken of me and see it. Well, one day, about 10 years ago, my son Tad came over and asked to borrow the electric clippers. Wanted to give himself an overall trim. He liked his hair real short. When he was done I asked him to do the same to me. He just looked at me and said, "Are you serious?" You bet I was. Knew I could look younger if my head was shaved and besides, I wouldn't need a costly com
b anymore. He sat me out on our back deck and set the trimmers to the closest setting and took off all my hair. Boy, did it feel different. My head was 10 degrees colder. Never knew how much the hair, even a little bit of it, helped to insulate your head. And hair really helped to protect my head from banging on the kitchen cabinets, running into trees and shrubs while mowing the lawn, hitting it on the dryer opening when I would look it to make sure it was empty of wash, or hitting it on the trunk of the car. Well, as of today, every time I shave, which is almost always daily, I do everything from the neck up. Maybe when the style changes I'll think of letting it grow long on the sides and then tie it in a pony tail. Not. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos are from 25 years ago and today. I'm actually in style on both of them.
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