It was an ordinary day. Carol and I are heading out for a walk. Down the street is a house with red flowers planted all around the perimeter of the property. And ..... right next door is a house with white flowers all around the property. Wait a minute! As we get closer we realizethat they aren't flowers, but small flags to indicate where the border of the property is so the neighbors' dogs will know how far they can go before they will get shocked. But, it's spring and there really are lots of flowers in other yards that are beautiful. I'm sure you have heard the saying: April flowers bring May rain, or is it April showers bring May flowers? Always get that mixed up. And another one: Columbus sailed the deep blue sea in 1493 .... or is it Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492? Anyway, we have flowers all over the neighborhood. On the bank behind our house are many daffodils in both large and miniature sizes, in both bright yellow and white with yellow centers. Along the side of the house is a forsythia bush in bright yellow blooms. Next to our walk are blue and pink hyacinths opening while out front are blue bells springing up in the flower bed. How about the red tulips by the front bank. And.... even the dandelion are showing color! Some flowers have better smells than others. Some have no smell. How do I know? I take the time to smell them! Never did that until a few years ago and them realized that I missing so much in life by not taking the time to smell the flowers. Starting to take a different perspective on life as you grow wiser, or it that older? Can hardly wait for the day the lilies and lilacs open so we will have more colors and smells. Take time to smell the flowers before it's too late! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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