A special vase in ceramic made by another former art teacher and friend, Paul Grout. Paul became alergic to clay dust during his art career and became a minister.

This small ceramic bowl was made by Dave Hovland who was a ceramic artist in residence at Manheim Township High School for a sememster in the mid 1980s.

This is a ceramic piece that was also made by Dave Hovland.

Ceramic bowl made by my son Derek in 1989. I just love the glazes he used on his pieces of art.

Two vessels made in porcelain by Jim Gallagher, friend and art teacher.

A tall vase in ceramic by Jim Gallagher.

Another unusual vase designed and made by Paul Grout.

Medium sized ceramic bowl by my son, Derek.

A small ceramic bowl by Derek Woods

These are two pieces that we have on our bank behind our house. The one at the top is a sculpture by good friend and former art teacher Jim Gallagher while the one in the front is by Professor Lyons, a retired Millersville University professor.

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