It was an ordinary day. Just finished eating my Valentine's Day present. Carol bought me exactly what I wanted for the special day for lovers. A half dozen Dunkin Donuts heart-shaped donuts. 2 with cream filling and chocolate covered, 2 filled with jelly and 2 filled with custard and chocolate on top. As soon as I opened the gift I devoured 2 of them, then remembered I needed to take a photo of them before I ate anymore. The photo you see here was taken about 5 minutes before the box was empty. I know they aren't heart-healthy, but it's Valentine's Day for heaven's sake. Now, if you are wondering what I bought for my lovely wife, it was something pretty neat. Bet most other husbands didn't think to buy their wife what I did. Matter-of-fact, I would bet that no other readers of my blog bought their spouse what I did. I got her an orchid! She loves flowers and has had a few orchids over the years, but only one has survived. We keep it in our living room and it has grown and bloomed for quite a few years now. Usually only blooms one time a year, but the blooms last for weeks. The photo of it shows another bud that will open in maybe a month and will be with us until the end of the spring. I visited Little Brook Orchids in Lancaster a few days ago. They have literally hundreds of orchids or all colors. Everyone is so different and so neat. I picked out a Phalaenopsis variety that was called "Wild Tiger." "Yep, that's her," I told the guy that was working with me. Little Brook Orchids is located at 25 Rider Ave. in Lancaster, PA. The owner used to be the President of the Board of Directors of the Parish Resource Center where my wife works. We have visited the greenhouse before and the green orchid she now has came from there. Purchased for her by her former boss as the PRC. They not only raise and sell orchids, they board them for you if you go away for vacation or on an extended trip. I was so excited when I go it home, I just had to tell her about it, even though it wasn't Valentine's Day. We placed it next to the other one so it had some companionship. I know, orchids don't need companionship, or do they? Anyway, it was Valentine's day and they looked good together. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - pixs from the top are: my Valentine's donuts, orchid that we currently have in our living room, sign in front of Little Brook Orchids, interior of the greenhouse filled with orchids, and "Wild Tiger", Carol's new addition.
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