The "Desired Designer" Story
It was an ordinary day. My wife was looking at the story I wrote about Sea Glass and told me I should look at one of the photos that she pinned on Pinterest in the Jewelry category on my board. OK, simple to do by going to Pinterest, opening my board and going to the Jewelry category. Yep, there was this neat photo of an old pocket watch that had the movement removed and in place of the gears was a small starfish and beautiful seaglass. Wow, some really pretty blues with a piece of white in there. I told her we should make one just like it with the old pocket watch that I had in my filing cabinet that belonged to someone that my dad knew years ago. When my father died about four years ago, on top of his refrigerator in his kitchen I found maybe two dozen watches and a pocket watch or two. Dad was a watchmaker by trade and people would always give him their watches to fix. He would put them on the fridge and get to them when he felt like it. After his death I put the leftovers in a manila envelope and stuck them in my filling cabinet, wondering if someone would call to ask about their watch. Well, it is time to use one of the pocket watches. Hey, thanks to whomever the watch belonged to at one time. I removed the back, pul
led out the guts and snipped off the winding stem. Then Carol cleaned the inside and outside of the watch and found her own starfish amongst the many that we have collected over the years. Since we have no collection of sea glass, she went to AC Moore and bought a small bag of alleged seaglass. Put the starfish and seaglass in the watch casing and Viola! Wow, pretty fetching piece of jewelry. Found a long chain for it and plans to wear it tomorrow to work. I'm sure she will have many comments on her new self-made piece of jewelry. And me, well I took a photo of it and placed in on Pinterest for others to see what we did after looking at someone else's photo. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photo at the top is from the Pinterest site and the one at the bottom is the one that Carol made and I photographed on the back deck. Carol's actually looks like it is underwater.
I WANT ONE!!! Whine, whine, whine. ☺ JS