#1. Quit being sorry. Life only lasts so long and you need to make a difference. What have you done in your life that really matters. When my dad died, so many people told me that they just loved his voice. At times he could make them cry with his music. Wow! I thought I was the only one that was affected by his music. On Good Friday dad would sing, acapella, "Were You There" which is a song describing the death Jesus. Just typing this brings tears to my eyes. For dad, his music and voice is his legacy to so many people. What will I be remembered for when I die? Kinda scary thinking about it. The average life lasts just 650,000 hours, so don't waste a single hour of your time. Step out of your comfort zone now and do something that will matter in the end.
#2. Feeling uneasy can lead to happiness. All experiences have results, even bad experiences. I remember giving a demonstration on how to run the offset press to my high school class when I got my finger caught in the press. Hurt like hell, but I tried not to react that way. I managed to extract the finger, wrapped it in a rag, told the class I'd be right back, and hurried to the nurse. You better believe that demo had huge results. And, I would guess that to this day, when some of those students think back over their high school career, at least one of them will remember LDub getting his finger caught in the printing press. We own our experiences. But, you have to get going and have some experiences. Yeah, I know you have experienced many things already. Any of them worth remembering?
#3. Try something challenging. Break your habits. Get out of bed on a different side. Eat your breakfast with the other hand. Get in the passenger's side of the car and slide across. Better believe it will challenge your brain. Bound to add a few hours onto your life just laughing at yourself after trying something new.
#4. New is the word. Ever been married? Get bored sometimes with the same routines you have in your marriage. Make a date! You can have a date even though your married. Go to the movies. Head to an art show over the weekend. How about traveling to an exotic destination. I have friends that consider traveling 5 miles to be a chore. Don't need to change the routine. Afraid that something will go wrong. So what! When you try new things you share new experiences together and strengthen your marriage. Like getting to know your mate all over again. Has to add a few more hours onto your life.
#5. Get stupid. Now this one I'm good at!! Sometimes my brain works faster than my mouth and when I try to speak, the words that come out aren't always the ones that I want them to be. Makes for some rather hilarious statements on my part, but then we all laugh and that has to be good for you! I cherish my stupidity. When ever I feel stupid I feel as if I'm learning something, since I have evidently said something that is outside my comfort zone. Do you ever worry that you will make a mistake. So what! Don't let that prevent you from doing something new. I know, it's easy for me to say that, since you are the one that will feel stupid. Let me tell you, after you do it enough of times, it starts to feel right. Embrace every opportunity to be stupid. I certainly do. Just ask my wife!
And that's that. I wrote this story today because I often wonder what my legacy will be when I die. And I have come to the conclusion that I haven't done enough yet to have a legacy. And, since I'm getting older rather than younger, I better get busy and try some of the things that I have just written about. I hope you will also. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - for example: today I was running the vacuum and twisted the wrong way. Got these terrible shooting pains in both my legs. Thought I was having a heart attack. Stretched out on the bed and thought about calling 911. Instead I called my lovely wife who reasoned with me that my heart isn't in the lower half of my body, so I wasn't having a heart attack. Talk about feeling stupid. But, I will always remember that. And, luckily I didn't call 911.
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