It was an ordinary day. My granddaughters came to visit over the weekend and brought with them roll after roll of "Duck" tape. No, I didn't type that wrong. It is called "Duck" tape. Looks like and works like regular duct tape, but comes in all colors, plaids, patterns, etc. On August 9th I published astory about extraordinary uses of ordinary things and put duct tape on that list. Strange that only a few days later the girls would arrive with the rolls of tape to show me how and what they can make. They both have made head bands to hold their hair in place, wrist bands and necklaces. Actually they are pretty neat and certainly colorful. I even had the experience of watching them do some braiding. Just like in the old days! The youngest granddaughter covered the front and back of her newly purchased school notebook with tape that looked like denim. What a good time we had. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos from the top are: some "Duck" tape varities, Camille covering her notebook, samples of braided pieces the girls made.
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