It was an ordinary day. Just got done with my weekly talk with my friend Jerry who lives in State College, PA. If you have been following my blog for some time, you probably know that Jerry and I have been life-time friends, growing up together in the same neighborhood, going to Elementary, Jr. High, and High School together, teaching together at our high school almamater, retiring from Manheim Township School District the same year, and spending the past 12 years traveling together. Jerry and I have so many things in common, but we are so different. Enjoy different hobbies, collect different things and luckily, have different wives. Jerry most times is somewhat serious in what he does in life, while I seem to be the opposite. Carol and I get together with Jerry and his wife Sue quite often and we have such a good time picking on each other and making fun of each other. Just the needling type of making fun. We all have a common interest in ...... THE BEACH. But, we do enjoy "other things". One of the "other things" we enjoy is visiting antique shops where we find many of the items that we or our parents threw out years ago. Some of the items I swear were actually mine. Well,sometimes I get carried away and make Jerry try on someunusual headwear. In a store in Havrede Grace, MD. a few years ago I found two blond wigs that had our names written all over them and I just had to have Jerry try one on with me so Sue could get our photo. On a trip to Hershey, PA I had him try on some fancy schmancy shiney hats. Another antique shop in St Michael's, MD yielded some old time top hats for us to try on. In Jamaica I made him try on a Bob Marleyheadpiece. This time we were by ourselves so I had to take a photo of him while he took one of me. I do believe one of my favorite shots though was of the four of us with our snorkeling costumes on. We actually did go snorkeling after taking the photo. Oh, the things you expect one of your best friends to do for you. And .... he does it! Called true friendship. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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