The "Following Akela" Story
It was an ordinary day. Checking my email and there was a photo of my grandson Caden in his Cub Scout uniform. Pretty neat! He will be the third generation of the Woods clan that will follow the scout motto: Do Your Best! And he will. He always does. He is sooooo excited to be able to join Cub Scouts. He loves to be outside enjoying everything from swimming in the ocean to playing sports with his family and friends. I'm sure camping will be added to that list very soon. I can remember when I joined Cub Scouts in 1st grade. I was in a Pack that met about a half mile from my house in Lancaster City. Had to walk with a few friends to meetings once a week. I can still remember the Scout Promise: I, LDub, promise to do my best, to do my duty To God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the Law of the Pack. Had to recite that at every Pack meeting before we got our snack. Learned
it pretty fast. Still say it before I have a snack! (Not) Then, there was the Law of the Pack, that I must tell the truth and say that I had to look it up. Here goes: The Cub Scouts follow Akela, The Cub Scouts help the Pack go, The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow, The Cub Scout gives goodwill. Hey, if you're wondering who Akela may be, it means "good leader" or in Caden's case, the parent or friend that is the scout leader. Both my sons were in scouts and enjoyed camping. Sorry to say that I didn't. If I hadn't slept on the
damp ground all the times I did, I probably wouldn't have the bad back that I have today. Oh well! I already bought $40 worth of popcorn which is his first fundraiser. If you come to visit me, you'll probably have popcorn for a snack. Only after we recite the Cub Scout Promise!! So, start learning in! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - pixs from the top are: my grandson Caden in his new uniform, Caden's dad and my son Derek in his uniform, and LDub sporting his Cub Scout uniform doing his best while doing his duty to help other people.
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