The "Gall Bladder Shaped Pool" Story
It was an ordinary day. Visiting with my brother and is family in Ephrata, PA. Ephrata is located about 25 minutes north of Lancaster. Take Rt. 272N to Rt. 322W, travel a few miles, and you will find his house on a new street covered with single homes as well as small condo units. Steve, my brother, lives right next to my niece and his daughter, Kelly and her husband Shawn and their three young children. Steve and his wife, Kathy, moved there about two years ago and recently decided to build a pool in the back yard. We are there today to celebrate the opening of the pool to family, friends and neighbors. And ..... the pool is BEAUTIFUL! He really knows how to do it right! Concre
te in-ground pool with beautiful tile lining the inside of the 3-8 foot pool. But what makes his pool so neat is the landscaping that he did all around the pool. A little bit of grass for the dog, some large white beach stones on some parts, shrubs surrounded by mulch on other parts and an American flag flying on a tall pole in the corner of the fenced in pool. Many pool chairs, tables and umbrellas fill the walk around the pool. Now we get to talking about the landscaping and he tells me he decided to do all of it by himself. Did get some help from daughter Kelly, but he hauled ton after ton of rock, shrubs, mulch and 90 pound pavers for a path to the gate. I'm getting old, and I k
now he is five years younger, but there is no way anyone can do that without killing themself. Yep, just about what he did. Kathy told me that just as he finished, he looked at her and said he didn't fell well. She told me he looked terrible and suggested she call 911. Steve resisted so she told him she was taking him to the hospital. That he didn't resist and after examination was found that he needed to have his gallbladder removed. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that rests beneath the right side of the liver. Its main purpose is to collect and concentrate a digestive liquid (bile) produced by the liver. Bile is released from the gallbladder after eating, aiding digestion. Bile travels through narrow tubular channels (bile ducts) into the small intestine. Steve's was not working properly, so he needed it removed. Immediately! He went through
Laparoscopic gallbladder removal where they made three one inch long incisions and removed it. Unblieivable! His only regret about having to have it done immediately was that he never got to jump in the pool as soon as he finished all the work. But, today he will celebrate the opening of his pool. After Carol and I arrived, Steve and I compared our scars from our recent operations and then began the celebration. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos from the top are: overall view of Steve and Kathy's new in-ground pool, Shawn using the slide, my grandson Caden shooting a basket, and me celebrating with my little brother. I made him sit so I don't look like a midget.
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