The "I Never Give Up!" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just getting back from Giant Supermarket. Trying to peddle my store list tablets that I had made. Seems Carol and I have tried for years to find a "get rich, quick" item that we could make and sell. We tried making a cookbook with original recipes from our families and that didn't sell. Carol tried making smocked dresses and it took so long to make them that no one would pay the price that we had to charge. I tired wor
king on weekends and vacations with a friend putting siding on homes and I ran out of steam. The list goes on and on. And then, I finally came up with the idea that I would make tablets that had a shopping list on them geared for each individual grocery store. I figured I would start with the Giant in the Lancaster Shopping Center, since that is the store where I did the shopping. Spent time going through the store writing down, aisle by aisle, what was on the shelves. Then I typeset a grocery list for every aisle. On the rear of the shopping list I made a space for daily meals and one for coupons. Pretty neat. Tried it out for a few weeks and then printed a case of paper with the list on, padded and trimmed them and headed to the Giant to show them what they might want to sell. They were impressed that it was tailored to their store. But, it had to be approved by their h
eadquarters. And, they weren't interested. My guess was that it would be the same with every store, so I stopped before I went any further. All I had to do now was shop at the Giant for the rest of my life to use up the case of tablets I had. Wouldn't you know it, they closed the store to renovate it and when it re-opened a few months ago, it didn't look the same. Oh well, put the thinking cap back on again!! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - Sorry the shopping list is hard to read, but you can see the quantity of tablets I still have left under my desk.
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