The "Bullet-Proof Solution" Story
It was an ordinary day. Noticed that Rev. Andrea Brown, a former student of mine who also helped with the production of the school yearbook for which I was the adviser, had a "Letter to the Editor" published. So, I naturally had to read it. Letter is titled, "Guns not permitted in churches." Interesting! Andrea writes about a story that has been in the news around her for quite some time. Seems that last October the Lancaster Board of Elections decided to move some polling places in Southern Lancaster County to school district buildings, because of better handicap-accessible amenities and the fact that there was more parking available at the schools than at the fire halls and churches that were currently being used. Seems logical to me. Well, about a week ago a Mr. Steve Charles, a Conestoga Township supervisor, requested that the Election Board return one of the polling places to the Conestoga Volunteer Fire Company where it used to be. Seems that the reason for asking for the change is that when people go to vote at a public school they are not allowed to bring their guns with them. A Conestoga resident, Dan Behmer, told the Election Board that he's a law abiding citizen who doesn't like being unarmed. Seems he doesn't appreciate that he might have to be disarmed so he can vote. Another man, Duane Sellers from Martic Township, says that it's not really so much that he wants to carry that day, but it's that it's another right that's trying to be eroded. He wants his polling place to be returned to the Mt. Nebo United Methodist Church. Wow!! I am amazed at how many people must carry guns every day of their life. I'm astounded! Maybe if I started looking around I might see the holsters on the hips of these people or maybe notice a gun tucked into a waistband here and there. Or maybe they are all concealing them. Tough to do in the summer. I'll have to start looking for the bulge under the clothing or around the ankle, under the bottom of the pants. I guess a really big-busted woman could carry a small hand gun hidden in her bra and no one would notice. But for what reason? Protection? Do we all have that many enemies that we need to be armed every day of our life? I know that having and carrying a gun is one of our rights in the USA, but I think most people don't do that. Do they? I can't imagine having to fear for my life all the time. I coached the high school rifle team and was a member of the NRA for years, so I'm not anti-gun, but this is borderline insanity. Well, I guess maybe the Election Board might give in and return the polling places to where they originally were, but as I read Andrea's letter in the paper, I think she may have thrown a kink in the return of guns to the Mt. Nebo Church. Seems that The United Methodist's Book of Resolutions states that: "Reflecting that the traditional role of the United Methodist Church has been one of safety and sanctuary, every United Methodist Church is officially declared a weapon-free zone." Uh, Oh! And 13 United Methodist churches will be used as polling places in the upcoming April 24th election. So the church policy has been barring guns all along and some of these voters who have used the church for voting for years have been breaking the law. Not just any law, mind you, but the church law which is a no-no. Maybe the solution for all who can't be without their guns for even a few moments to go and vote would be to file an absentee ballot. They're definitely bullet-proof. That way no one will ambush them at the polling place! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photo is of Andrea
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