It was an ordinary day. Reading my emails and ROTFLMAO. If you don't know what that means, maybe you shouldn't. Anyway, my cousin Susan sent me an email about her surgery that she just had on her left eye. Really gross stuff to read about, but even with the severity of the operation, she can make lite of it. Pretty neat to be able to do that and feel good about yourself. I tend to be that way also, but only when the operation is from the neck down. I'm someone that can't wear contacts since I can't bear to touch my eye with my finger. She even sent me a photo of herself after the operation. Only Susan would be wearing her finest and going to have surgery. I emailed her back and asked if she would consent to be a guest blogger for me for a day. Told her I just had to share her story with the world. Her response:Hahaha! you can do anything you want with my story and I don't care WHO sees me with that should see the one me and Gman rigged up tonight! So folks, without further adieu, her is guest blogger, cousin Susan, with her story: The "I Only Have An Eye For You" Story.
Today was my eye surgery ......... 6:45am ......... Gman took me. Got into my cap and booties and gown .......... vitals taken ......... drops in my eyes ........... then numbing drops .......... IV into the arm ........ hooked up to heart monitor and blood pressure cuff. This is serious stuff I thought. Too late, though, to turn back. Wheeled me into the surgery room ......... more drops.....put a clip thing on my eye so that it would not blink ...... wrapped my head in tape and taped it to the bed ....... put the straps over my arms. ..... I was going nowhere ............ then ............ the needle in the eye to finish the numbing ...... think about it ........... Then watching him do every move on my eye through my eye ...........then the numerous stitches he had to sew ............ he cut a piece of my upper
eye ball out to use for a graft for where he cut my bump out and took veins out ........ SEWED the graft onto my eyeball with little see through stitch stuff ............. I watched because I had to because my eye lid was in a clamp ....... not by choice ..................... took longer and more complicated than expected and he was at times a bit nervous himself but he pulled through and got it done to his liking he said. Everyone was very nice. Kept telling me I was doing awesome ........ I was like .... pump that IV shit up, Yo. Hahaha! When I first told Gman several weeks ago about the surgery his first question was .... 'Will you have a patch?" and the doctor had told me No.......but today things changed so GMan got his wish.......a patch. Tomorrow I go back for a checkup. Tonight it just feels like stitches pulling and that's edzachary what is going on ....... in my eye! C u , Matey's ...... Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
You look great, as usual, Susan. Thanks, for sharing. LDub. For the rest of you, please check back in tomorrow for an update and exactly what surgery Susan needed and why. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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