The "Go Team Go Championships" Story
It was an ordinary day. A lllooonnnngggg, ordinary day. We went to the Mid-Maryland Youth Football and Cheerleading Championships held at the University of Maryland at their Cole Field House. Our six year old granddaughter Camille is cheering for the Urbana Hawks team. She and five other cute little girls comprise the entire cheerleading squad that are entered in the exhibition category. Friday, Carol and I went to visit our daughter Brynn, son-in-law Dave and granddaughters Courtney and Camille. Friday night we got to watch Dave's high school football team win their first round in the State Championships. Saturday was a day of learning new recipes for Thanksgiving dinner for the girls while I painted the ceiling in the d
ining room. Sunday morning we rose early so we could leave by 8:00 AM for the University of Maryland. We hopped on Rt. 270 and after about 5 minutes Brynn realized she didn't have Courtney's purse with her diabetic supplies and insulin. Quick U-turn at the emergency turn-around and head back towards their house. Dave, wh
o is holding meetings with the football coaches at home, meets us halfway with the purse. Insulin and needles are a constant companion when you have a child with Type 1 diabetes. YOU CAN'T FORGET THEM!! Back on the road again and we arrive in time for the 9:00 registration meeting. While Camille holds a f
inal practice for her routine, the rest of us go for breakfast. We arrive back at 10:30 AM, find parking and make our way into the field house. Great seats at the top of the field house directly behind the scorers table. At 11:45 Camille and her friends are announced. You can see their excitement as they enter in their blue and white uniforms and walk onto the mats. And then the mus
ic and cheering begins. The girls are all in a line behind one another with their poms. Then Camille and her friend Madison do cartwheels to either side ending in splits on the mat. WOW, really neat!! These are six year olds. After a few more minutes the routine is over and the crowd erupts in cheers. After a hug for the coach, they have their p
hoto taken at the edge of the mat and the next group in introduced. This has been going on for two hours already and doesn't end until 12:30 PM. At that time all teams are led back onto the mats to receive their awards. And .... every girl gets an award, which is really neat. Must be at least 500 or more girls on the floor with their coaches. By 1:30 we meet Camil
le and grab a few pixs outside before heading home. These are the types of activities that will create memories for the future. Camille will have photos and good memories
forever and I certainly will remember my day! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos from the top are: the Urbana Hawks cheerleaders, with Camille on the far right, anxiously awaiting their turn on the floor, the beginning of the routine with Camille on the right in her split position, one of the positions they have achieved during the routine, the poms, the floor of the field house covered with the girls waiting for their awards, Camille's team (she is in the right front) and coaches after they have received their medals, and Camille and her best friend Madison.
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