It was an ordinary day. I was in my workroom in the basement working on framing a few photos when Carol came to the top of the steps and yelled down, "There's an ad in the newspaper about a time share in St. Martin!" Got my attention real quick. Up the steps I went and she read the small ad to me. "What do you think?" I said. "Are we interested?" She thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure. We're going there in six months for a couple weeks already. This is in January. Would be neat to do, though." Now, St. Martin is our favorite vacation destination and as you age you have to take advantage of every opportunity you get to have fun. So, I was all for it. "We'll count the trip as our Christmas present to each other," I said. I wasn't too sure she liked that idea, since she likes to share lots of presents. The next day I called the number in the paper and talked to Leah who told me about the place. The Dutch side of the island is where her time share, The Pelican Resort, is located. We usually travel to the French side of the island, but no reason we can't try something new. The island isn't that big. Carol and I talked about the price and decided since the place as two bedrooms we would ask our traveling companions Jerry and Just Sue if they wanted to go along with us. Called right away and told them about the chance we had found. They said it wouldn't suit this time, so I started to search for a replacement couple. Found one at my retirement breakfast the next morning. Barry W., who taught in the same room with me for years, and his wife Karen would love to go. They had bought passports a few years before, but had never used them. Now was the chance. The planning is now taking place and the excitement will build as the time gets closer. We will be able to share our knowledge and love of St. Martin with some different friends. Has to be a few new stories to share with you, also. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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