It was an ordinary day. Sunday. Our daughter Brynn and granddaughters Courtney and Camille arrived Friday night for a long weekend stay with Carol and me. Her husband Dave was speaking at the University of Delaware to a group of football coaches for the weekend, and was going to miss all the weekend fun. Saturday we visited Middle Creek Wildlife Reserve in the morning to see the snow geese and the tundra swans and then met our son Derek and his wife Barb and grandson Caden in the afternoon for a few games of bowling at Leisure Lanes in Lancaster. I had been duckpin bowling with everyone a few times, but this was the first time to go bowling with a regulation size ball and pins. Little different than bowling on the Wii. I was surprised at how easy it was for the kids, ages 5, 6, and 8 to bowl using the large sized bowling ball. The three of them had a great time visiting and bowling together. I opted out of bowling because the last time I bowled, I dislocated my thumb. Plus, I didn't want to be beaten by someone 1/10 my age. Camille almost bowled a 100 game, missing it in the last frame. By the end of the 2nd game, all three were holding the ball with their fingers in the holes as the adults were doing. That evening we all headed to Issac's for soup and a sandwich with plans to meet again for lunch on Sunday at Moravian Manor at noon. Moravian Manor is where my mom is a resident. She welcomed the chance to "show off" her family to the other residents of the retirement community. Because of a commitment at church today, Barb was missing from our group, but our youngest son, Tad did join us to visit with GG, my mom. Had to push a few tables together in the "Cafe" to accommodate the entire clan. Mom got to sit at the head of the table and listen to the exchange of harassment that was dished out by everyone. She spent her entire lunch sharing stories and laughing with thefamily. "Just like the old times," she said. Even ate her entire meal before she realized it was gone. After an hour or so, mom was tired and the staff chased us out of the cafe. Fun time for everyone! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - pixs from the top show Courtney, Camille, and Caden bowling with a group photo of all three, Family portraiture at the "Cafe" at Moravian Manor.
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