It was an ordinary day. Checking out the trophies, plaque, and pictures on the wall next to me in my office. One big and one small trophy. All the rest I donated to a store that used them over for groups that can't afford to buy new ones. The big one is for 2nd Place in the 1998 Faulkner Corvette Day while the smaller one is for 1st Place in the 8th Annual Faulkner Corvette Day which was held in 1997. The plaque is for competing in the 1996 23rd Annual Capital Area Corvette Show heldin Montgomery County, Maryland. Huge show at Criswell Chevrolet. Didn't place in that show, but still had a fun day. The photos are of Carol and me in a wooded area near our house with our 1987 red Vette, a photo of the Vette near Safe Harbor Power Plant in Lancaster, a photo taken by my son Tad at Valley Forge State Park showing the log cabins from the Revolutionary War in the background, and a cross-stitched red Vette done by my daughter Brynn for a birthday present. Ah, the Vette!! Sone days I wish I had never sold it and some days I glad I did. Carol and I had some great times driving the flashy red Vette. Some things I already wrote about such as getting a speeding ticket, driving on the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD, winning the 1st Place trophy, driving in the Millersville University parade with a queen candidate on the car and having the car break down, and the infamous Cocalico HS homecoming queen parade around the football field when I hit a raised area and my queen candidate started sliding off the trunk of my car. But, there were many, many more great experiences we had with the car. And, the friendships we had while members of the Lancaster County Corvette Club. Our good friends Pat and Dale were some of those friends. I just dug up my album of vette photos and decided to put a few into a story. One shows Carol and her friend Marg riding in the parade in Lititz, PA on the 4th of July. One shows us following a line of vettes during a weekend rally. One shows my car at Corvettes at Carlisle, PA. One shows my son Tad and me getting the car ready for competition at a car show. One shows Carol and me at Park City Shopping Center in Lancaster during a car show inside the mall. And, one shows me during an autocross race at a nearby car dealership. No trophy for that one. Fun sometimes to see all the great memories that you create and document with a photo for your life's history. "Big Red" is gone now, but the memories still linger on!! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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